Our store has been in business since 2003. We are a Christian-based retailer. Our mission is to serve the community, our neighbors, and churches by providing those services that are unique to a Christian-based establishment. Jean Yates, our store owner, has extensive experience in retail and customer service, and she brings her unique expertise to each and every customer and order. Her staff consists of friendly and creative people who are eager to help you with whatever you may need. We are dedicated to serving you!
Come visit us and check out our huge selection of Willow Tree by DEMDACO!
A small glass jar containing mustard seeds sits on a shelf in my home. Printed on the jar are the words: "IF YOU HAVE FAITH AS A GRAIN OF MUSTARD SEED NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU." I am always amazed when I look at this jar and see just how small a mustard seed is.
Jesus said that mustard-seed faith can move mountains. In the Bible passage preceding that statement, Jesus' disciples asked why they were powerless to help an epileptic boy. Jesus told them that it was because they lacked faith. They had been given power to heal the sick, to cast out demons, and to perform miracles in the name of Christ. But on this occassion they failed. Jesus told them the power to heal comes only by much prayer and fasting.
Mustard-seed faith is faith that acknowledges our absolute dependence on God. When we act on what we believe, when we humble ourselves before God, we find strength in God's mighty power to be a healing presence in the world.
Prayer: O God, help us to grow in faith. When our faith is challenged, teach us always to depend on your love and care. In Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen
Jesus said, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; nothing will be impossible for you." ~Matthew 17:20